The Purpose of our congregation is

    • To seek to worship God in spirit and in truth (John 4:24)

    • To build up the body of Christ locally in Myrtle Beach and globally (Ephesians 4)

    • To educate believers in a manner consistent with the Scripture (Ephesians 4)

    • To love serve one another and our community (Hebrews 10:23-25)

    • To share the glorious Gospel of God’s saving grace, being expressed in the shed blood and finished work of Christ, according to the great commission both locally and around the world (Matthew 18:28-29)

Our Desire

Calvary Bible Church is committed to the transforming work of grace in individual lives. It is our desire to see people come to know Jesus Christ as their personal Lord and Savior and to have their lives transformed by the gospel. We desire that the people of Myrtle Beach would see that transforming work in us. Though not perfect, we desire that people see that we love God the Father who sent Jesus in the power of the Holy Spirit to live the life we could not live, die the death we deserve to die, and rise from the dead so that all who repent & believe this good news will be forgiven all their sin, delivered from all God’s wrath, accepted into God’s family, and are experiencing the transforming power of life with God and his people. Because we love God and our community, we want everyone in it to love Him because He first loved us.

Our Practice

As we gather together it is amazing to see God at work. God uses His Word to answer our questions about life. He is changing our lives by His presence and the power of His Spirit to reflect Jesus Christ. He unifies us as a community and knits our hearts together. He fills us with the hope that He loves us and cares for us because He sent His Son to live, die, and rise from the dead to change our lives and our community. We truly believe that God’s will is being accomplished in and through the ministry of Calvary Bible Church. For this reason, we gather in glad anticipation of what God will do in and through us. Some Specifics; Calvary Bible Church is …

    • Non-Affiliated We belong to no denominational organization.

    • BiblicalEverything we believe and teach comes from the Word of God. Our pastors preach solely from the Bible, studying to find God’s message and seeking to exposit God’s truth verse by verse.

    • Committed to Lifestyle EvangelismThe majority of life is lived Monday through Saturday and so as we go to our homes, places of work, schools, recreation and neighborhoods we are sent on mission to bring hope & healing through the power and message of the gospel. This requires building meaningful relationships with the people of our community who need Jesus Christ. This is done through many different avenues of daily living whether it be faithfulness at work, diligence at school, recreational activities, showing mercy to those in need, participating in civic associations, and ministering to those hurting & suffering. These relationships are not an end in themselves; however, they must find their primary purpose in the all-important ministry of the gospel of Jesus Christ which alone is the answer for those who are estranged from God. As we live out the gospel in our relationships, we fulfill our “ministry of reconciliation.” (2 Corinthians 5:18-19)

    • Committed to Separated living – As passionate followers of Christ we believe that fellowship with God requires us to be separated unto Christ. (Titus 2:14) Separation unto Christ also means separation from sin (1 John 5:19-21), from the world’s system that exalts man over God (1 John 2:15-17), from false teachers (1 John 2:19), and those who claim the name of Christ but live a lifestyle of disobedience to the Word of God (2 Thessalonians 3:6-15). We believe that the effectiveness of our lifestyle evangelism is directly tied to our separated living.

    • Missions-Minded – We support other ministries of the Gospel locally, nationally, and around the world.

    • Passionate about Teaching Children – We are committed to the instruction and encouragement of children. Whether it be through the ministry of Calvary Christian School, vacation Bible schools, Sunday school, corporate worship, or family activities, CBC is passionate about joining together to bring our children up in the nurture and admonition of God’s Word.

Calvary Bible Church exists for the glory of God, which is the ultimate purpose of all of its ministries and activities. CBC is family of believers who gather together to celebrate the worthiness of our God and receive His grace and mercy as the gospel of Jesus Christ actively works in us.

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